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About: Serena Mastin

Recent Posts by Serena Mastin

2016 Ergonomics Study

Human factors and ergonomics (commonly referred to as HF&E), also known as comfort design, functional design, and systems, is the practice of designing products, systems, or processes to take proper account of the interaction between them and the people who use them. Proper ergonomic design is necessary to prevent repetitive strain injuries and other musculoskeletal disorders, which can develop over time and can lead to long-term disability.

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Underground Tank / Confined Space

In May 2016, Industrial Safety Professionals, Inc. was contracted to provide Health & Safety support for the relining of a 12,000-gallon underground diesel tank. The purpose of the relining was to repair a leak in the tank. The project took place at a 7-11 gas/food station in Temecula, CA.

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ISPI Performs Grade D Breathing Air Monitoring

Industrial Safety Professionals, Inc. (ISPI) performed Grade D breathing air monitoring for bus and ambulance manufacturing facilities on November 3 and 4, 2015, respectively. The monitoring was performed in accordance with Cal/OSHA, Title 8, §5144. The purpose of the monitoring was to document the quality of air supplied to the paint booth respirators from the air compressors and met the Grade D breathing air requirements. In addition to monitoring, ISPI performed a visual inspection of the area to identify any potential issues that may need to be addressed.

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